Home Fish & Poultry Vaccines

Fish & Poultry Vaccines

Probably, animal and poultry vaccines are the most important tools in maintaining health, preventing outbreaks, and sustaining global food production. With a growing demand for protein, vaccines play an important role in protecting fish and poultry against infectious diseases resulting in devastating economic losses in aquaculture and poultry farming. Fish farms, especially those that are highly stocked, fall prey to infectious diseases in the aquaculture industry. Fish vaccines protect species like salmon, trout, and tilapia from ISA, vibriosis, and furunculosis.

ISA, for instance, can easily spread through the population, leading to high mortality levels with reduced productivity. Vaccination of fish at an early stage reduces the use of antibiotics and other treatments and helps to have healthy fish stocks with improved seafood. Fish vaccines are given mainly through injection or immersion in order to ensure that large populations are immunized. Vaccination of poultry helps prevent diseases in chickens, turkeys, etc. Vaccination against Newcastle disease, avian influenza, infectious bronchitis, and Marek's disease has been shown to reduce the incidence of such infections in poultry farms worldwide.

Vaccination against such highly contagious infectious diseases, therefore, not only adds welfare to the animal but also secures food as it assures the supply chain of poultry products. Most poultry vaccines are administered using the injection and spray method or through the drinking water, depending on the disease under consideration and the size of the operation. Furthermore, these vaccines can help reduce the use of antibiotics in animal farming, thereby reducing the problem of antibiotic resistance in humans.

Besides these, the vaccines enhance the sustainability of farming because the introduction of them guarantees improvement in the health of animals, increased productivity, and safe food products delivered for consumption. In recent years, vaccines have become part of modern farming and aquaculture. By safeguarding the health of fish and poultry, these industries can supply mankind's source of protein while minimizing the likelihood of disease outbreaks.

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